Leadership facilitation is the practice of bringing people together so that the organization partakes in the art of selfless exchange.

John Baldoni

The challenges facing today's executives are unprecedented. Those who do succeed will be those who embrace the challenges at the same time, seek insights into how to lead with greater purpose. The best leaders achieve sustainable results when they communicate with clarity, manage with understanding, motivate by example and create opportunities for individuals and teams to succeed.

Interview Your Executives


One-on-One Conversation
Using the interview techniques used in his LinkedIn Live show, Grace under Pressure, John Baldoni will interview a key executive to surface key issues and challenges facing the organization. This discussion is intended to provoke thought and provide clarity as well as generate greater levels of engagement.

Experience and engagement emerge in the following way:
--Identify the issues—what issue is hindering performance
--Identify obstacles—what’s holding the team back (structure, resources, management, etc.)

This interactive learning experience is designed with the following outcomes for each participant:
--Leaders will be able to surface the challenges facing their organization more clearly.
--Leaders will discover through guided discussion how members of the team can help one another solve the challenges facing them.

Conversation – In-person or Virtual
The Grace under Pressure interview can complement your next corporate meeting. John can beam in virtually, or appear live on stage with your executive team. Simple and easy.  Virtual seminars are a great way to surface issues and then provide insights into how to address them.

As an added bonus, you are invited to our free survey to prepare for your next team meeting.



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