Speaker Theme Videos

Here is a collection of recent video clips of John addressing his favorite themes.

YouTube Links:

Create Community

Lead with Compassion

Lead with Empathy

Grace under Pressure

Get the Team to Believe in Itself


Reflections on Coaching

Here is a collection of my insights into coaching and what individuals can hope to gain from the process. These pieces are not how-to articles but instead observations and reflections about the benefits of coaching.

Coaching Lesson: How to Use Intuition Wisely

Coaching the Inner Self

Don’t Burnout on Burnout

Re-defining Purpose to Meet Our Mission

What Speechwriters and Coaches Practice in Common

VIDEO: Coaching the CEO

VIDEO: Coaching with Flash Cards

VIDEO: What Fiction Can Teach Us about Coaching

Episode 173: GRACE: Marc D. Braun (Interview about the coaching process)


Assisting You to Find Your Purpose: Interview with John Baldoni/CIO Look

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